I love hooked rugs, and I know that Retro Renovation readers do, too, because I see you using them in your decorating. To me, hooked rugs evoke a sort of cottage, homey look that you would have seen in the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s and into the 1950s. In fact, I often see old hooked rugs at estate sales in nearby Pittsfield — usually at fantastic prices, and for large rugs, too. Like: $75 for a 8′ x 10′ rug. They are often faded and may be a tad holey — but to me, that just adds to the charm. Pittsfield also is home to the company Pine Cone Hill, with its rug brand Albert & Dash. Albert & Dash seems to be a go-to place for vintage style hooked rugs made today. I’ve written about this extensive line of hooked rugs before, but I went poking on the website to see what’s new — and found 8 new designs. Above is “Garden Path”, I love these colors. Above: Garden Path, full view. Above: Flower Box. Heck yeah, if you’re gonna do 1930s-1940s, why not do flowers. Well, that’s me, at least. Above: Follow the Arrows. Above: Harlequin